New Adventures 2014

Happy New Year blogosphere friends! Its been rather crazy here… we survived Christmas and have slid quietly into the New Year. What a breath of fresh air to turn the page over to a brand new start. To wish a sweet adieu to a rather hectic and emotionally draining year and turn to face what may come with some hope in my heart. What may come? Who knows. I just want to embrace this year with open arms and loaded palette, with courage to face what's thrown at me and excitement at what is to unfold. I'm the worlds biggest chicken licken, but I'm trying so hard to embrace change and the unknown. Hope I can do it…I have plans!! To help me find my inner strength, I have started a 365 photo project, featuring two little friends of mine - Monetquin and Manetquin, my wooden art mannequins. They are going on an adventure in gratitude and finding blessings in my day-to-day living. Its not going to be easy photographing a 20cm bit of wood every day but I'm going to give it my best shot!
copyright Mia Laing 2014 New Year's Eve 2013

I started a day early - New year's Eve I gave a sneak peek!

copyright Mia laing 2014 Day 1 - 1st Jan
copyright Mia Laing 2014 Day 2 - 2nd Jan
copyright Mia Laing 2014 Day 3 - 3rd Jan
copyright Mia Laing 2014 Day 4 - 4th Jan

I will (try to!) post the photos here each weekend…watch this space!

If I'm still a little quiet here on WP, you will find me enjoying school holiday adventures with my girls and taking some much-needed time away from the internet. Do not fret…I will return with some routine in february. If you just cannot wait for the daily instalment of the Adventures of Monetquin and Manetquin, then come and say hi over at Facebook…I also list three things I am grateful for each day as I upload my photo. BTW…this was my last painting for 2013. The one I was unable to show here on the blog as it was a gift for my mama…but I forgot to take a proper photo of it!
copyright Mia Laing 2013 The unwrapping of 'Gypsy Rose' - Christmas day 2013
My goodness... She loved it. There were tears. Yep, that much-loved! Dude also loved his painting and was totally and genuinely surprised. Phew. Job done. And wonders will never cease - its already hanging on its very own patch of wall!!! I usually wait months for the drill to come out!
copyright Mia Laing 2013 Christmas Day 2013
So, here's wishing you all the best for the start of your 2014. I hope your days are filled with paint and photos, creativity and craft, love and laughter! Mia x
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