Welcome to Spring - Photo Style!

School holidays. What's not to love about them. Sleep in's, pyjama time, no routine, my girls. The down side... a lot less art time! I'm nearly, nearly finished a new painting, but didn't quite get it finished for this weeks post. Watch this space. So...welcome to spring...Photo style!
copyright Mia laing 2013 Fragrant Rose
Olympus omd-5
35-100 Lumix
Stunning spring. Yep, we are a month in, I know, but its been arriving Oh, so... S.L.O.W.L.Y. The weather patterns are crazy here, there, everywhere. The other side of Australia, in Sydney, has already endured a 39 degree celsius day...in spring? NUTTSO. Here in Perth, we have had constant rain, which is fab, but totally not normal. No complaints, we need every little drop we can get. Our dams have been seriously parched for years.
copyright Mia laing 2013 Suburban Meadow
Olympus Omd-5
Lumix 20mm
It's been a little gloomy and cool and very unspring like. I had planned some photo sessions these holidays for future paintings, but they just didn't happen and the few photos I did take just haven't made the cut for painting...I think...well, I'm undecided. They work as photos, but I'm really, really fussy about what then goes to paint! Never mind...a long summer is ahead of us. As happens after a long, wet winter, as soon as the sun shows its gentle, spring face, blessing us with brilliant blue skies and the melody of bird life gracing the air, I have my camera at the ready. I managed to grab a few beauties. Like this baby...who was sitting on our back wall. Thank goodness I had my long lens on!
copyright Mia laing 2013 Kookaburra in the garden
Olympus OMD -5
Lumix 35-100 (eq.70-200mm)
A few weeks ago, a huge flock of Carnaby cockatoos graced our suburb. The Carnaby is a threatened, endangered species, endemic to our southwest. It was so great to see such a healthy flock in the suburbs. They were NOISY. Hundreds noisy. Enough for all the neighbours to head outside to view nature welcoming in spring. They decimated the pine trees and Banksia on the street and were quite unafraid of the weird artist lady with the camera, stalking them during their munchies.
copyright 2013 Mia laing Black Cockatoo flock
copyright 2013 Mia laing Endangered Carnaby Cockatoo
Olympus OMD-5
Lumix 35-100
My garden has flourished with the extra rain.
copyright Mia laing 2013 Buzzzzzzz
Olympus Omd-5
Lumix 20 (eq 40mm)
Never before have we had such green lush grass and my daisies have gone crazy!
copyright Mia laing 2013 Creatures of the spring
Oh, happy days, to look out the window of my studio, paint brush in hand, and see such perfection. That blue? Yep. Its real. That's Australia's 'true blu', the one we love to sing about.
copyright mia laing 2013 Turn to the sunshine
Olympus OMD-5
Lumix 20
Oh Wisteria! How I heart you. How quickly you leave us with but a memory of your purple dawn.
copyright 2013 Mia Laing Sunlit Purple showers
Olympus OMD-5
Lumix 20mm
And my lemon tree. Perfection.
copyright Mia Laing 2013 Light in the lemons
Olympus OMD-5
Lumix 20mm
Her branches barely holding the weight of a bumper crop. The thud of lemons, heavy with juice, falling to rest on the soft grass below. Gifts for our overloaded fruit bowl and grateful neighbours. Gin and Tonic anyone? And what is spring without daisy chains?
copyright 2013 Mia Laing Hippy Chick furbabe
The girl's and I did a few walks that involved chain making sessions...and photos!
copyright 2013 Mia laing Multicoloured spring
Fur child wasn't always cooperative....
copyright Mia laing 2013 Blooper time! Look Mum, another dog!
Spring involves a lot of love...of these girls...
copyright Mia laing 2013 For the love of a dog
Olympus OMD-5
Lumix 35-100
..and these girls.
copyright Mia Laing 2013 Puppy Love
Wishing you some spring colour...or autumn colour if that's where you are at! copyright Mia Laing 2013 Mia x
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