Anyone else wondering how we are in the middle of the year already?
Exhibition season is nearly upon us here in Western Australia and my diary is filling up fast with delivery dates and opening nights.
I thought I had better let you lot in on some of the events I'm involved with. Please subscribe to my newsletter here to see all eleven paintings available across these exhibitions. A newsletter will be winging it to inbox's shortly.
The Cossack Art Award
The Cossack Art Awards, held in the beautiful coastal town of Cossack, 1600 kilometres north of Perth opens on Saturday 20th July and runs through until 11th August. In its 27th year, it's a stunning exhibition set amidst the historical ghost town and attracts thousands of visitors to view the hundreds of artworks on display.
My Piece 'Swan Song' is part of this exhibition.

Fine Art At Hale
Fine Art at Hale, another premier art event for the Perth art scene opens on the 2nd of August and runs over the weekend, closing Sunday 4th August. View details here . Hale is a prestigious boys school here in Perth and the exhibition fund raising goes towards art education for the students.
I have three pieces on display and for sale at this exhibition.
Summer Blues - copyright Mia Laing - oil on canvas 2019
MLC Art Exhibition
Methodist Ladies College (MLC) have their art exhibition, opening on Friday 16th august and running for the duration of the weekend.
I have three pieces on display and for sale at this exhibition.
Army Art
Army Art, bringing together the arts and defence since 1974, is holding their 45th annual fundraising exhibition over the weekend of the 23rd-25th August at Leeuwin Barracks in East Fremantle. This is always a wonderful event with proceeds donated to various not for profit organisations supporting current and former Australian Defence Force members and their families. View details here.
I have four pieces on display and for sale at this exhibition.
And lastly, but certainly not least...I'm painting like a crazy artist towards a 3 person show in November. It's going to be a great show so please sign up to my newsletter for first look at the catalogue and pre-sale advantage and for Perth peeps, opening night invitation details. You can watch progress towards this show on my Instagram page.
Please get in touch if you have any queries about artworks or about oil painting.
Mia x