Gamblin Radiant Oil Paints

Gamblin Radiant Oil Paints I'm always on the look out for new products that may help my paint process. Gamblin paints have released some new colours which I was very excited to try. Known as 'Radiant Colours', they are a range of eight accent colours, that can be used to warm up or cool down colours without darkening them. They can also be used to neutralise colour. Radiant colours are surprisingly intense, being mixtures of pure colour and white. They pack a punch of lolly-pop colour straight out of the tube, but mixed into other colours they produce stunning results. I bought three of the colours, and am looking forward to adding the other colours over time. I had a fun time mixing them into my usual skin tone mixtures and got some surprising and beautiful results. I snapped a photo of my results on Instagram here. Run, don't walk, to your local art supplier to try them out! (I found them at Jackson's Art Supplies In Subiaco, Western Australia)

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