Breathe, Oil on canvas 2016 Mia Laing
My Webpage has had a makeover!
Inhale the future, exhale the past...cleaner, fresher and because I know the importance of shopping in your Pjs in front of Netflix on a Sunday night, I now have a SHOP.
Yep, 17 of my paintings are about to be listed as Limited Edition Prints. I'm not quite ready to hit publish but if you sign up for my
monthly newsletter, you will be the first to know when it goes live and you might just be one of the lucky ones to secure a 'number 1' print! I will be adding more prints over time and eventually, when I've got a grip on all the little details, like International postage etc etc, I will start to list various sized originals as well as prints. How exciting is that?
Anyway, I'm still tidying up all my galleries and smoothing out a few wrinkles with my trusty WordPress Consultant,
Kristy Morton, but I hope you will find it easy to navigate. I've got two new sections too, 'Tips and Tricks' and 'Artist Interviews - THEIR life at the end of a paintbrush.'
Tips and Tricks
After ten years of oil painting and 6 years of this blog (however sporadic it has been...oops) I regularly receive questions regarding oil painting. I'm planning to add regular tips and tricks that will make your own studio practise go more smoothly. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via email. I'll do my best to answer your query and if I can't, I've got a full palette of other professional artists I can call on to get their response.
Artist Interviews - Their Life at the end of a paintbrush (or whatever their medium is)
I'm super excited about this new section. It's coming soon...just be patient! I have made some wonderful friends on this crazy art ride of mine, many of them professional or in various stages of their careers - from well established, to mid-career and emerging. Over ten years of navigating my own art world, I have found it so important to learn from my peers; how they run their businesses, how they ride the ups and downs of a creative life, how they juggle family life with art. There is wisdom and strength to be found in other artists journeys and I'm hoping to document some of these here. I have West Australian, Australian and International artists that are happy to join this project...email me if you would like to be interviewed by email.
On a side note, if you have been following my blog via WordPress email or as a WordPress follower, I will be turning off this system soon and just relying on my monthly newsletter to keep you in the loop. None of us want our inbox filled with emails (no matter how important art is!) or have time to scroll through WordPress searching for artists. By changing to a monthly email, you will receive just one email from me a month (sometimes not even that with my track record) instead of every time I post...which could be a few times a week. My monthly email will contain links to various posts, news on new paintings, prints and general stuff going on. Its condensed and keeping life easier for all of you!
So that's it for now.
Let me know what you think...excuse my galleries though, they are still in a mess!!! OMG. Soooo behind. Paint is priority!
Mia x